My self-imposed attempts to keep up with the
BookBonobo project having completely failed, largely due to my own laziness (I get home from work and most nights have no more energy than to play the next few moves in Scrabulous on Facebook or watch some pointless TV) and in part due to other reading necessities, I have joined a book club that, to my mind, seems rather more manageable.
Rather than the noble, but in my case apparently unattainable goal of 52 books per year, I've joined a book club on (yes, where else?) Facebook started by a former co-worker. The Constant and Quiet Book Club will be reading a book a month, and discussing on Facebook.
I'd tried the BookBonobo project in an attempt to expand my reading horizons. It's worked, a little. I've read books that I might not have otherwise picked up. But I still find myself gravitating towards history books, or historical fiction, and it's time to move on. Even one of the better comedic books I've picked up recently was historical fiction (Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif, by Christopher Moore, anyone? And on a completely random note - I saw another copy of this in Chapters yesterday that actually looks like an old-school Bible, complete with black leathery cover and gold-embossed print, along with the gold leafing down the edges of the pages and the ribbon bookmark... awesome! No, I didn't buy it. I only have two bookcases, and they're getting suspiciously full... And while the e-Book reader that
Sandy recently purchased does look cool, I still need to be able to physically turn pages made of paper. E-Books are not for me.).
So first up is, go figure, a book that is essentially
a history of Santa Claus. History. Ah well. I did vote for it. Spirit of the season and all that. And the history nerd in me was really excited. But I'm sure I will get outvoted at some point in the near future and my horizons WILL be expanded.
So, since this will be occuring, I will, from here on in, provide a revised version of my old "Currently Reading" at the bottom of each post. I haven't started Santa Claus yet (waiting for it to come in at Audrey's, so that I can buy it at the US price, rather than the Canadian), but as for the rest of it, here goes:
I Am Reading: Quasi - Academically: The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History (David Lowenthal) 17For Fun: Le Parfum (Patrick Susskind)Pile of Unread Books on my bookshelf: 17