Yup. In 7 hours, it'll have been one week since I got off the plane in Edmonton. Let's sum up, shall we?
Thursday, Oct 19: Kate arrives at the airport. Wishes her dad a Happy Birthday. Realizes one of her bags hasn't made it on the flight from Calgary. Decides it isn't worth waiting for, files claim with Air Canada, and goes to her 'rents. Bag arrives later that night ("Oh, this happens all the time in Calgary". Go figure).
Friday, Oct. 20: Kate wakes up at 2 a.m. Jet lag! 'Cuz 2 a.m. is 9 a.m. in England. Attempts to go back to sleep with limited success. Spends day moping around house, but breaks free around 6 p.m. to attend Spook rehearsal. Sees some old friends and has a great day! Is offered her Park Host job back. Doesn't accept, but mentions this to her mother, triggering a rather vehement disagreement.
Saturday, Oct 21: Kate wakes up at 3 a.m. Slightly better. Birthday celebrations for her father ensue at the Keg restaurant. Yummy steak for the first time in 10 months. Joy! Slightly marred by the fact that Kate has a sore throat and is stuffed up. Seems that cold she got in Newcastle hasn't entirely gone away yet.
Sunday, Oct 22: Kate wakes up at 4 a.m. Kate's parents have saved Thanksgiving dinner for her. Yay! Dead bird! Joy! Also has friend, S, over for dinner.
Monday, Oct 23: Kate wakes up at 4:30 a.m. Kate is going stir crazy in the house, so she wanders over to Sherwood Park Mall to look for "Help Wanted" signs. Picks up applications and information from The Body Shop, RnR, Cotton Ginny, and La Senza. Figures if she sells out to a soulless corporate chain it had better be a soulless corporate chain whose products she likes. Also picks up applications for Zellers and Carlton Cards, but isn't likely to be handing those in in the near future. Kate also spends the afternoon driving all over Edmonton picking up last minute stuff for Spook with her former supervisor, M, who has no vehicle, and the evening at FEP wishing that Spook rehearsals were more organized. Ah well, what can you do?
Tuesday, Oct 24: Kate feels miserable. Cold has caught up with her, she aches, she hurts, she wishes she could sleep but was up at 5 a.m. She has little to no voice and hopes that this won't screw up her Spook role. She calls her mother to beg her mother to bring her cough syrup. Spends evening huddled in armchair watching Sense and Sensibility on Vision TV. How sad.
Wednesday, Oct 25: Kate feels slightly better. The cough syrup worked and she managed to get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Unfortunately those 8 hours began at 9:30 p.m. So, yes, she was awake at 5:30. Attempted to go back to bed with limited success. Counted down the hours until she got to leave the house and go see people she liked at Spook rehearsal. Spent many frustrated hours at disorganized Spook rehearsal, but nonetheless got to see Bonobo, albeit briefly, which was a bright spot in her day.
Thursday, Oct 26: Kate wakes up at... 5 a.m. What the hell?! Regression?!?! Bugger!!!!! She takes more cough syrup in an attempt to knock herself out a bit longer. No luck. Is up by 9 a.m. Is still not dressed, but has printed out resumes for RnR, Cotton Ginny and La Senza and has emailed one to The Body Shop. Will hopefully get dressed and go to mall shortly to drop of resumes. Is afraid she'll be rejected outright when it is discovered that she has a Master's degree. *sigh*. Still avoiding the thought of having to apply to work at Zellers or at Superstore or some other similar location. Hoping things don't get that desperate. Off to check federal, provincial and municipal government websites for job openings.
Pray for me.